Member Resources
Use this page to access important resources and get answers to frequently asked questions. Can’t find what you need? Contact us.
Local 22 Live AXS app

MLBF Member Dashboard

LIUNA Training Infectious Disease App
The LIUNA Training Infectious Disease App provides instant access to the latest news, information, and training to deal with COVID-19 as well as other Infectious Diseases.
Massachusetts Laborers’ District Council
7 Laborers’ Way
Hopkinton, MA 01748(508) 435-4164
905 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20006(202) 737-8320
Massachusetts Laborers’ Benefit Funds
1400 District Avenue, Suite 200
Burlington, MA 01803(781) 272-1000
NE Laborers’ Training Trust Fund – Hopkinton Training Center
37 East Street
Hopkinton MA, 01748(508) 435-6316
NE Laborers’ Training Trust Fund – Pomfret Center
37 Deerfield Road
Pomfret CT, 06259(860) 974-1455
Cigna Health Care
(800) 997-1654
Laborers Escaping Addiction Now (LEAN) Program
Local 22 Recovery Specialist Marc Lyle:
(781) 496-5718
Davis Vision
(800) 999-5431
Delta Dental
(617) 886-1234
Union Plus
- (800) 472-2005
Express Scripts
(800) 282-2881
Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t see the answer you’re looking for here? Contact us.
Contact the Union Hall as soon as possible so that your information can be updated in our files and with the International Union.
If you are a Journeyman, your dues rate is $41.00 per month. If you are a retiree, please contact Local 22 at (781) 321-6616 for your dues rate.
In order to receive your new union book, you must make a payment into the new calendar year. For example, if you are currently paid through December 31, 2024, you must pay for at least the month of January 2025 to receive your new union book. If you made a payment and have not received your new union book, please call the Union Hall at (781) 321-6616. Books paid through the new year will be mailed out at the end of March.
No. The only time you can take a leave of absence without paying union dues is if you are deployed with a division of the military. If you are being deployed, please contact the Union Hall so that we may notify the International of your services and take the proper steps to reserve your spot with Local 22.
You have 60 days to make a payment from the month you are paid through before you are in jeopardy of being suspended. If suspended, you will need to pay a readmission fee.
Please notify Local 22 of any licenses or skills that you hold so that we can update your file accordingly.
It is your responsibility to contact the Union Hall at (781) 321-6616 so that your name can be placed on the out of work list. Make sure that you update your telephone number with us so that when work becomes available, you can be reached.
The out of work list is a running list of members that are currently unemployed. As work becomes available, members are put back to work by their rank on the out of work list based on the type of job and capabilities. You can call the office at (781) 321-6616 anytime to see what number you are or to speak with a Business Agent.
There are two ways to find out your number on the out of work list. First, you can call the office at (781) 321-6616 and we’ll be happy to relay that information to you. The second option is to come into the office and check the list posted in our lobby and updated each day.
For more information about the union meeting and how to RSVP, click here.
When applying for a loan, mortgage, etc., or when refinancing, you should list your current employer as the company that you are working for at the time of filling out paperwork and not Laborers’ Local 22.