Union Dues

Monthly Union dues for active Journeymen and Apprentices are $41 a month. Retired members pay a reduced rate that is determined by what year the member retired.

It is each member’s responsibility to keep their dues paid up to date. There is a 60-day grace period for paying dues.

If dues go unpaid for more than 60 days, the member will be suspended and removed from the jobsite/out of work list until a readmission fee has been paid.

Pay Your Union Dues Online

Local 22 accepts online payments through PayPal. Members can use either a credit card or their PayPal account to process payment through our new membership portal.

Please note: There is still a small convenience fee charged through PayPal. Local 22 does not receive that money. PayPal does.

Here’s how to pay your dues online:

1. To get started, you can click the link below or by downloading the UNION AXS App in the Apple or Google App Store.

2. You will need to register your account. You will need your member #and the email on file here at Local 22. If you don’t know feel free to call us.

3. Once signed in you can pay dues check, check how much you owe currently, and see a history of your work hours.

Other Ways to Pay Your Union Dues

  1. In person: Pay via cash, check, or money order at the Union Hall during regular business hours. Make all checks and money orders payable to Local 22.
  2. Dropbox: If the Union Hall is closed you may put your payment in the drop box located to the right of the front doors at the Union Hall. Put cash, check, or money order and your union book in a sealed envelope. Receipt and stamped book will be mailed to address on file.
  3. By mail: Mail your Payment to the Union Hall at 35 Highland Avenue, Malden, MA 02148. Receipt and stamped book will be mailed to address on file.

Questions? Contact us.