Local 22 Members Christmas Party is Thurs. Dec. 7

Local 22 will be hosting the annual membership Christmas Party on Thursday December 7th following the monthly union meeting at 5:00 pm.

This year we are excited to announce we will be conducting a free raffle for the members who attend. The raffles include 50 gift cards (25- $200 Red Wing Gift Cards, 25- $200 Market Basket Gift Cards), and the Grand Prize of a Brand New Playstation 5 console complete with a game and second controller. Members will receive ONE raffle ticket upon entry. Must be a member to: receive a raffle ticket, to be eligible to win, and must be in good standing with their dues. Member can only win one prize.

Food and drinks will be catered from Blue Ribbon BBQ. Raffle will be conducted shortly after food is served.

We look forward to seeing everyone there.

December 7th @ 5:00 pm.

Irish American Club- 177 West St. Malden


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